- A Google account for access to Google Drive
- Internet Browser or Mobile app to access files on Google Drive

Different Access Level for Files
Before sharing files, it’s important to know the different access levels available on Google Drive. When a user is the owner of a file, he can give editing, viewing, or commenting access to other users.
Edit Access
When edit access is given to a user, he can:- Edit documents
- Share/unshare with other users
- Suggest edits
- Comment on files
- Save file copies to a personal Google Drive account
- Download files
Comment Access
When comment access is given to a user, he can:- Suggest edits
- Comment on files
- Save copies to his own Google Drive account
- Download files
View Access
When view access is given to a user, he can:- Save a copy of files to his own Google Drive account
- Download files
Pro Tip – All files shared with a user can be accessed by going to the ‘Shared with Me’ tab
Sharing Via Emails or Links
Files on Google Drive can be shared by inviting users with their email addresses, or sending links to everyone. Links work when the same file is shared with a large number of users, so, instead of inviting individuals the same link can be sent to multiple users.But, at the same time, inviting users through their email address is a more secure option, since other users can share a link and outsiders could access the file.
As soon as you hit Share, there will be an option to enter email addresses.
There is also an option to add a description of shared files, when a file is shared with a user, an email is immediately sent to them — with the description in the body of that email.

Change Ownership
Ownership of a file remains with the creator until he gives it to someone else. A file’s owner is the central admin, who decides which member gets what level of access.Also, when the owner deletes a file, other users lose access to it as well. Only the central admin can retrieve deleted files from the trash folder.
To change the ownership of a file, go to the “Share” option and select Advanced settings present at the bottom.
Firstly, invite a user and give him access to a file.

Disable Printing and Downloading Options
As I mentioned above, none of the three file access levels protect files from being copied.But Google Drive provides another way to stop copy attempts. Going back yet again to the Advanced option in Sharing settings, an option to disable printing and downloads are available there.
A user can give View access to a file and then disable printing and download, to make the file read-only for all shared users.

Pro tip – the option
‘Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people’ can be used
to make sure only the owner decides who gets access to a file.
Unrecognized Users in Shared Files
If you are a file’s owner, and there are unrecognized users in that file, then chances are – someone with sharing and editing access has shared with their contacts.This problem can also occur if a file is first shared via links and then changed to a user’s email addresses.
So, the final list of shared users could take some time to update, since existing sessions would have to time out for that.
Only Share With Specific Domains
If a company is using Google Drive for their work, then they can beef up security by restricting documents from being shared with anyone outside the company’s custom domain.So, even if an employee has Edit-level access to files, he can’t share it with an outsider.
The restriction feature is only available for users with custom domains, who have signed up with Google Apps for work.

Share Files on Social Media
Files links can be directly shared from Google Drive to:- Google+

And then the file can be shared.
Stop File Sharing
To stop sharing a file via links, go to Advanced Sharing, and then to the ‘Who has access’ section.By choosing ‘Off-Specific people can access’, all file links get immediately deactivated, and any user accessing them at that moment will be notified.

Pro Tip – Choosing ‘On-Public on the Web’ will make a
file discoverable through Google search, and anyone can access it. If a
file is shared via email, sharing could be deactivated by crossing off
the member’s name from the list.

Delete a Shared File
When the owner of a shared file deletes it, it gets permanently deleted, and all other users also lose access to it. After deletion, a file can only be restored from the owner’s trash folder.On the other hand, when shared users delete a file, it only removes their access to, the file isn’t truly deleted.
Shared users can delete a shared file to empty up their Google Drive storage.
Managing File Versions
When files get shared with a lot of users, it can be difficult to track which user made what changes to a file.Luckily, Google Drive provides a very smooth way to manage file versions.
For Google Docs — to see changes made to a file, users can click on the option right next to Help on top.
Which could be, ‘All changes saved in Drive’ if a user has made the last change, or it could be ‘Last edit made by XX’, if another user made the last edit.

In Summary…
Being able to share files easily, and work on them in real-time is
one of the reasons why Google Drive is so powerful, and why a majority
of people use it. Other great sharing options are available on Dropbox, or you can try OneDrive sharing for Microsoft Eco-systems.