Feature- Four Offences That Can Get You An Extension Of Service As A Corp Member

Being given an extension in NYSC doesn’t mean it would reflect on your certificate. What it means is that NYSC will only withhold your certificate till you finish serving your extension. Extension can be one week, two weeks, one month and up to three months.


Here are four offences that can give you extension, or even exit out of the NYSC scheme.

1. Disobedience in Camp: When you get to camp, the NYSC rules and regulations, bye-laws will be given to you, so any disobedience to it can lead you out of the camp immediately. Or sometimes they will wait till your passing out day before giving you an extension for the offence.

2. Wrong influencing of your Place of primary assignment (PPA) posting: This has actually given too many people extensions. In your last day in camp, you would be given your posting letter to your PPA. But some people will chose to stay back in camp when they don’t like where they were posted to, or even go to their state secretariats to work things out to be posted to a better place. This gives room for them to be preyed upon, money will be extorted from them by some dubious NYSC staffs promising to help them. But when it backfires, NYSC will discover it then hit you with an extension. Note, if you have a viable and good reason to relocate, redeploy or influence your posting, NYSC will not hesitate to do that for you.

3. Missing an head count: Missing an head count can give you an extension of service in the NYSC. Anytime you are called upon for head count, please make sure you are there. This is because so many people have been given extensions for missing head counts.

4. Gross misconduct: As a corper, the NYSC uniform opens way for you in some cases. But you will be warned that you are not to wear the uniform to some occasions or events. Failure to heed to it will attract an extension of service. Another instance is rape, and also sleeping with your female students and getting them pregnant. This might even give you an exit from NYSC.

Good luck!!

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