Features: Read the Touching Story of Woman Who Raised 1million Pounds to Pay Back African Villagers Who Helped Her When She Was Injured (Photos)

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A woman has shown her affection towards a community after she dutifully raised one million pounds for the villagers to show appreciation for what they did for her.

Linda Greenland has taken it upon herself to save the poor community

In this touching story, a holidaymaker who was injured while visiting a Kenyan village has raised more than £1million for the local people who helped her.

The woman identified as Linda Greenland, 61, was knocked unconscious when she was hit by a falling tree branch in Timbwani, near Mombasa. However, she was shocked to wake up in the hospital to find local children had left scraps of paper wishing her well and kindly villagers visited her for the next three weeks.

During that time she formed such close bond with locals that she decided to dedicate her life to helping the village escape poverty to reciprocate the kind love and gesture.

From the money she raised, mamy poor people in the community now have a future

Touched and looking for a way to pay them back, the librarian came home and founded the Maji Safi charity and has since raised £1.2 million – building two schools and two nurseries.

Linda, who caught malaria during her Kenyan hospital stay, said: “I had plenty of time to think, and it made me realise that this was happening for a reason and I could help these people.
“In Kenya if you don’t work you don’t eat, and that kept going over and over in my mind in hospital.
“We’ve just tried to visit the community in Kenya a couple of times each year – we always pay for our own travel costs.
“Then we would come back to Britain and give talks to groups and churches about our experiences and how we were trying to help by building classrooms, funding teaching posts and generally working hard to try to improve the education of these kids.”

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